September 27, 2019 Meeting
1. The meeting was called to order at 12:30pm by President Jason Sabino
2. Introductions
3. Reports:
· President- Jason Sabino. Welcome to new and returning members. Looking forward to a productive year.
· Treasurer- Deb Sylvia. Distributed two reports- FY 2019 and FY2020. Noted that the Spring College Fair netted $24,480 which is down approximately $1000 from last year. Year end balance $6800 which is needed to pay for Fall College Fair. Nothing paid out for FY 2020 yet.
· Correspondence- Bruce Marich. Read a thank you letter from BCC Foundation for scholarships. Reminded members to register and use the Yahoo list serv- especially useful for polling and group discussions.
· Monmouth University- Pat Dorsey. Monmouth is open J. The university has a new president this year. Introducing two new 4+2 programs: Speech & Language Pathology and Athletic Training. Looking to expand the Physician Assistant and Occupational Therapy 4+2 in the near future. Open House is 10/13/19.
· Monmouth Vocational School District- Joe Senerchia. Career Academies admissions kicking off next week. Shared-time counselors will begin making visits to districts to talk to sophomores. Counselor breakfast December 5th at 8:30am, invites coming. Posters re: programs offered available and distributed. Directors meeting Feb. 6th at 8:30
· Brookdale Community College- Mary Beth Reilly. Thank you for today- very good turnout for the morning session. Open House is 10/17/19. Please remember to send census data and NJ STARS info (to Mary Beth)
· NJCAC/NJACAC- Fran Swift. Report tabled as Fran is at the NJACAC meeting.
· NJSCA/MCSCA- Bruce Marich. NJ fall meeting at The Pines in Edison next Thursday & Friday, registration still open. First Monmouth County meeting Thursday at Salt Creek Grill. Second meeting December 5th. Good Ideas Conference back at Georgian Court University this year: Friday, March 6, 2020. Encouraged all districts to register counselors as members- excellent benefits!
4. Unfinished Business- bank signatures for the new officers with Santander. New officers will complete this task.
5. New Business-
· Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report- Motion Joe Senerchia, Second Eric Swensen. All members in favor, motion carried.
· Approval of 2019-2020 budget. Discussion regarding adjusting budget line items (specifically Toys for Teens and Scholarships) to ensure end of year balance is enough to cover the Fall College Fair next year. Amend budget to read Toys for Teens $5000 and Scholarships $25,000. Motion to pass budget with said amendments Deb Sylvia, Second Joe Senerchia. All members in favor, motion carried.